Tuesday 31 July 2012

medlar, london (4/5)

As you can probably tell by the restaurants we have shared with you - we like French food. Medlar thankfully has restored the faith in London-based establishments with a refreshing take on the country's dishes. For 3 courses at £39.50, it's a perfect excuse to explore Chelsea while not breaking the bank. A prominent shade of green is their signature, which is also represented in the majority of the dishes served. A favourite was the under blade fillet of beef with Cafe' de Paris snails which was cooked to perfection. The accompanying snails and sauces created one of the best synergies of flavours I have experienced. Their desserts were also very well done, whether you go for the traditional mille-feuille or for the more contemporary honeycomb ice cream. Overall we would highly recommend, with very good value for money given the quality of the food, a vibrant new interior and friendly service.

Medlar is proud of its crab raviolo - good but not its best dish.
Cold served halibut with an interesting mix of flavours and perfectly formed pearls.
A rather mediocre monkfish dish, though the presentation is commendable.
The exceptional under blade fillet of beef with Cafe de Paris snails and triple fried chips
Generous portions of honeycomb icecream.
A lemon and blackberry twist on the French classic.
Medlar is in a quirky part of Chelsea well worth exploring.

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