Wednesday 29 August 2012

a restaurant with a view, chocolate library in hong kong (3/5)

Chocolate Library has caused a frenzy among Hong Kong eaters for a while now, especially its dessert high tea which is served in mini bookshelfs (hence the name of the restaurant).

I'm not a huge fan of dessert, so I went for the lunch buffet with my sister one fine afternoon. For HK$280, it was a bargain. We were seated on the edge of a balcony overlooking what looked like a fancy Italian restaurant underneath, popular with suited corporate types. The huge windows gave an amazing view of Hong Kong - I could only imagine how stunning it will be in the evening.

Service was impeccable. Fast, friendly and discreet. Chefs milled about refilling empty dishes on the buffet bars, and were keen to strike up friendly conversations.

The food itself was the weakest point of the experience. Presentation was excellent, but quality was just not quite there. I didn't even touch any of the hot food, with the Chinese palette sitting uncomfortable in the middle of a selection of fusion starters and decidedly European desserts. The ham on the roast was a huge disappointment. The pumpkin soup, however, was delicious. There was a good selection of cheeses, where I spent the most time at.

And finally the dessert. There was a wide selection, albeit a bit idiotically arranged - I found it hard to pick up pieces from the lower shelves, but alas, it is the Chocolate Library after all. The brownie and hazelnut mousse with a crunchy base were excellent, and my sister loved the pecan pie.

I went for the novelty of eating on the 103rd floor, and for that alone the price was justified. Time is tight though, with the buffet opening at half 12, and ending promptly at 2 pm to prepare for tea time. Before you go, pay the washroom a visit. The view is even more amazing.

Mediocre cold cuts and excellent cheeses.

The hazelnut mousses with a crunchy base.

View from the washroom.

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