Tuesday 7 August 2012

burger and lobster, soho (4/5)

The opening of the Soho branch has been long anticipated by yours truly, and it took a second visit to snag a place in the bustling restaurant having been turned away in despair on a Wednesday evening. Yes, it was full on a Wednesday, and we were told there was an hour to an hour and a quarter's wait when we got there at 7:45.

Tip number 1: get there early. We got a table on the subsequent Saturday after getting there at half 6, and it was already near full capacity.

Overall, it was a fantastic experience. Don't order the burger, it is only average, even though the extra cripsy bacon was absolutely smashing.

We ordered a medium lobster finished on the grill with garlic butter (standard = £20, medium = £30, jumbo = £40), and devoured it like a pack of wolves. The lobster tasted awesome, though the texture suggested that it's not as fresh as it can be. Some bits tasted a bit too burned, next time I'll have it half steamed and half grilled. Both burger and lobster came with a small salad and chips, and it was more than enough for two people sharing.

The atmosphere was great as well - lively, friendly and loud. It's no place for a first date, but fantastic for a casual dinner with friends.

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