Sunday 29 July 2012

primrose hill, regent's park

The long spell of good weather has finally allowed me to venture into the lazy list, but unfortunately I was cooped up in the office for most of the sunshine time. Thankfully the weekend was still sunny.

Primrose Hill is just north of Regent's Park, and I can't seem to find out if it is part of the latter or not, since there is a map of Regent's Park in Primrose Hill. Anyway, I might be cheating, but I'm going to cross Regent's Park off the list.

Primrose Hill is famous for its expensive residential properties and its marvellous view over London. But of course, the top of the hill is as crowded as any other London tourist hotspot, so camp out at the foot of the hill, take a nap on the luxuriously long and soft grass, then hike up there to admire the view, and call it a day.

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